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Ladies bar the one place where straight girls eat pussy , and fuck bbc and allow them to cum in them...(Enjoy...p.s, enjoy the pics I had taken of my boss's daughter, on her hen party,sorry for the phone camera quality,but she was so curious to know If English black men had big dicks, 10 minutes later I fucked her raw,so much so she passed out delirious on the bed,she got divorced 2 moths later as her loser husband, had
'Mysteriously' gotten some compromising photos of his wife that made him lose trust in her,and question their relationship. 2 weeks after the divorce she was screaming my name wet,creamy and moaning that she never regretted the divorce as her fiancĂ© had a 4" erect penis which is the size of my pinky!!,anyway though she was a fuck to remember,I don't like to be tied down by any girl,'cause with a 9" dick and being 6'4, I don't need to find women.. They find me!! And madly lust after me..


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